Why Ottawa Business' Pick Duco for Video Production

October 1, 2021

The Power of Marketing

94% of consumers profess to watching explainer videos to learn more about a product (link) with 84% saying it influenced their purchasing decision positively. More than 50% of consumers actually expressed a desire for more content from brands they like, with video being the most popular form of content. To put it plainly, video production is the most engaging, entertaining, informative, and reusable form of content your business can create. Perhaps you’ve already thought about investing in a great homepage video, social ad, product demo, etc. Most business owners don’t need convincing to see the benefit in video content, but most are rightfully weary of finding the right team for the job. It’s difficult to know just how much manpower and budget are appropriate for SME video projects. Fortunately for you, Duco Media has become a mainstay for Ottawa Business’ with video production needs. Here’s why:

You’ll Receive Accurate (Affordable) Estimates


Being an Ottawa-based agency, we know that many SMEs are limited more by budget than their creativity. To make matters worse, video production companies tend to charge astounding amounts for what would take one videographer a week to produce, shoot, and edit. To rectify this problem, we’ve built a team of 2 professionally educated and industry tested videographers with expertise in pre-production, filming, photography, editing, audio recording, voiceover, etc. By keeping our team light, we’re able to provide a more transparent, affordable budget while maintaining a level of quality unsurpassed by larger, less experienced video production teams.

You’ll Avoid In-House Production Expenses

When you have the equipment and opportunity, making great videos is an easily repeatable process. However, like any technical work, there’s a hefty buy-in price for quality gear. This includes cameras, audio recorders, playback devices, editing and production software, and more. Contracting a team such as ours avoids these costs with the added benefit of using highly-skilled operators. Creating great videos is all about matching the image in your head with the image in our lens. Having a well-equipped team breathes life into your video concepts while saving you time and money.

You’ll Get Access to a Network of Professionals


Odds are, your business needs don’t stop at video production. Moving between contractors to develop assets and combine them in video formats can be exhausting. Not only does it cost more, it creates more room for error and deadline extensions. Working with Duco Media means your video team has a direct line of communication with creative designers, content writers, project managers, digital marketers, and more. Looking to add a new Logo at the end of your video? Want to test it as a YouTube ad? We’ve got the internal setup to execute your plans within your timeline and budget.

Enough about us, we’d like to hear about you. What video ideas have you been hoping to execute? With Ottawa steadily moving towards the reopening phase, opportunities are knocking for businesses with the right acumen and timing. If you’re interested in receiving a quote for your project, please reach out to us using the form below.